Patrick Davey

Software Engineer
Patrick is a software engineer with over 20 years experience mainly in fullstack web development. He is actively involved in the Ruby community, running the local meetup and conferences and now looking forward to infiltrating the meetups with Elixir. He is excited to bring his skills to Vibrant Planet to work on what are the biggest challenges facing us on the planet today and to have a positive impact on climate and community resilience. When not at the computer Patrick can be found in the trails around Christchurch or off in the hills (or doing chess puzzles ;)
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Why do you work at Vibrant Planet?


Katherine Barton
Software Engineer
Dr. Tony Chang
Machine Learning Engineering Manager
Cyrus Dukart
Product Engineering Lead
Thomas Edwards
Software Engineer
Mitchell Gritts
Data Engineer
Dr. Andreas (Andi) Gros
Lead Engineer, Machine Learning
Dr. Ryan Herring
Lead Engineer, Data Engineering
Vincent Landau
Machine Learning Engineer
Dr. Paige Maas
Data Engineer
Maya McAuliffe
Software Engineer
Walter McGinnis
Senior Software Engineer
Kiarie Ndegwa
Senior Machine Learning Engineer
David Sacerdote
Lead Engineer, Infrastructure
Dr. Bogdan State
Senior Machine Learning Engineer
Zoe Statman-Weil
Software Engineer
Heather Stone
Senior Software Engineer
Dr. Janet Wiener
Principal Software Engineer
Nahum Wild
Product Engineering Lead
Luke Zachmann
Machine Learning Engineer