Landscape Resilience

Move landscapes towards resilience, enhance ecosystem services and plan for changing conditions.

Featured project partners

Supporting the resilience process at every stage

No matter where you are in the process, we harmonize publicly-available information and your own custom data – collaborating to achieve resilience faster across boundaries.

Select a Phase:

With comprehensive vegetation structure, fuelscapes, and ecological data, understand current conditions and ecosystem health. Analyze hazard and risk to structures, recreation areas, vulnerable municipal water supplies, critical species habitat, carbon sinks, and more.

Build your quantitative wildfire risk assessment with relative hazard to all values with world class fire modeling powered by Pyrologix, a Vibrant Planet company.

Create a living Community Wildfire Protection Plan. Collaboratively build treatment scenarios with the power of ForSys, balanced to your unique priorities, and weigh the impact of alternative fuels reduction actions. Design a plan using outcome-based metrics.

Maintain publicly available community hazard data and continuously support home hardening and hazardous fuels reduction. Build sequenced projects based on your budget and workforce constraints. Download projects into field applications for productive layout and contract compliance.

Monitor resilience trends and management outcomes over time, and report resilience gains to project funders, supervisors, partners and your community.

Change happens – like adjusted budgets, evolving priorities, or unplanned wildfire. Meanwhile, vegetation grows, planned interventions are completed, and risk shifts across your landscape.

We refresh our data annually, enabling you to adjust your plans in light of changing conditions or priorities.


With comprehensive vegetation structure, fuelscapes, and ecological data, understand current conditions and ecosystem health. Analyze hazard and risk to structures, recreation areas, vulnerable municipal water supplies, critical species habitat, carbon sinks, and more.

Build your quantitative wildfire risk assessment with relative hazard to all values with world class fire modeling powered by Pyrologix, a Vibrant Planet company.


With comprehensive vegetation structure, fuelscapes, and ecological data, understand current conditions and ecosystem health. Analyze hazard and risk to structures, recreation areas, vulnerable municipal water supplies, critical species habitat, carbon sinks, and more.

Build your quantitative wildfire risk assessment with relative hazard to all values with world class fire modeling powered by Pyrologix, a Vibrant Planet company.


Create a living Community Wildfire Protection Plan. Collaboratively build treatment scenarios with the power of ForSys, balanced to your unique priorities, and weigh the impact of alternative fuels reduction actions. Design a plan using outcome-based metrics.


Create a living Community Wildfire Protection Plan. Collaboratively build treatment scenarios with the power of ForSys, balanced to your unique priorities, and weigh the impact of alternative fuels reduction actions. Design a plan using outcome-based metrics.


Maintain publicly available community hazard data and continuously support home hardening and hazardous fuels reduction. Build sequenced projects based on your budget and workforce constraints. Download projects into field applications for productive layout and contract compliance.


Maintain publicly available community hazard data and continuously support home hardening and hazardous fuels reduction. Build sequenced projects based on your budget and workforce constraints. Download projects into field applications for productive layout and contract compliance.


Monitor resilience trends and management outcomes over time, and report resilience gains to project funders, supervisors, partners and your community.


Monitor resilience trends and management outcomes over time, and report resilience gains to project funders, supervisors, partners and your community.


Change happens – like adjusted budgets, evolving priorities, or unplanned wildfire. Meanwhile, vegetation grows, planned interventions are completed, and risk shifts across your landscape.

We refresh our data annually, enabling you to adjust your plans in light of changing conditions or priorities.


Change happens – like adjusted budgets, evolving priorities, or unplanned wildfire. Meanwhile, vegetation grows, planned interventions are completed, and risk shifts across your landscape.

We refresh our data annually, enabling you to adjust your plans in light of changing conditions or priorities.

Start reducing risk today.

Tools and features to support outcomes based land management and confident resource planning

Trusted and comprehensive data

Current tree-level data, augmented with machine learning and integrated with localized and nationally mapped socio-ecological values, supporting collaboration and communication of outcomes with regional and national audiences.

World class wildfire modeling from Pyrologix, a Vibrant Planet company

Wildfire hazard models combining multiple weather scenarios, recent ignition sources and current fuel inputs to inform risk across the western United States (and soon, the world).

Management unit delineation

Plausible management units that support layout, contract, implementation, and project costs and impact analytics for regional and national resource prioritization.

Real time scenario planning and predictive analytics

Streamlined scenario and tradeoff comparisons, treatment quantification and effects (for action and no action analysis), alongside impact and co-benefit predictions.

From initial product appraisal to resource prioritization

Treatment costs, product appraisals (including board feet and biomass) and workforce requirements included in each plan to eliminate often disconnected processes.

Monitoring and reporting

Annual data refreshes enabling landscape trend monitoring and treatment effectiveness quantification, with data visualization to support adapted and ongoing reporting. (More frequent data refreshes available on request.)

See it to believe it. Schedule a demo, today.

“With Vibrant Planet, we’ve been able to work with partner organizations and local governments to design large-scale forest resilience projects.”
Eli Ilano
Former Supervisor
Tahoe National Forest

Case Studies

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Community wildfire resilience